Avenue Banking

Travel Media’s Success Story

Avenue Banking has achieved over 6 million impressions in its campaigns with the help of Travel Media.

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+ 6 million



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Avenue Banking made life easier for millions of Brazilian tourists who visited the US

At the same time that borders around the world began to reopen, Avenue Banking was launched: an American bank account that provides a debit card, in dollars, for Brazilians to use during their trips.

More about Avenue Banking

Avenue Banking is an American bank account that secures deposits of up to US$ 250.00 per holder and offers a debit card.

Avenue's structure is made up of financial institutions from Brazil and the US, which together offer a complete, regulated and safe experience.

It’s able to provide a smoother and less bureaucratic trip for Brazilians who go to the United States for leisure or work.

Proporcionando uma viagem mais tranquila e desburocratizada para brasileiros que vão para os Estados Unidos a lazer ou a trabalho.

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